Do you want to demystify tarot?


Have you always wanted to remove fear and judgement in your tarot readings?


Are you ready to share your gifts with others?

If you answered yes to any of these questions...

This is the opportunity you've been searching for.

Four-Lesson Online Course with Tarot Expert, Radleigh Valentine.

Join Radleigh Valentine as he shares practical tools and teachings that you can use RIGHT NOW, to bring the gentle guidance of Tarot into your life.

You'll learn how Tarot works, how you can use the cards to find peace and comfort, guidance for major decisions, how to share your gifts with others, and so much more.

Tarot Made Easy:

Your Guide to Self Care, Healing & Growth

A safe and gentle way to bring Divine guidance and mystical manifestation into your life...



Meet Radleigh Valentine

Imagine being best friends with a grown-up Harry Potter or with Peter Pan or Aladdin... or having a sparkling guardian angel or fairy godbrother whispering in your ear, encouraging you to believe that your life... is magic.

Best Selling Hay House author and celebrated spiritual teacher and speaker Radleigh Valentine vividly embodies the magic of those childhood dreams and brings them to life with his endearing, affirming message to readers and audiences that their lives truly can be as magical as their dreams.

Since 2012, he’s been bringing the angelic messages of pure love and unconditional support to audiences from all around the world, including regular appearances at the Angel World Summit in London, Engelkongress in Germany and Austria, and Hay House I Can Do It! Events.

What Makes This Program So Unique?

Radleigh is one of the world's leading teachers in tarot. He's taught all over the world and is bringing all of his knowledge to you in this one-of a kind virtual learning experience.

If you're attracted to this kind of learning, and you're curious to discover how Tarot can create change in your life...

Give yourself the gift of joining this program.

Register Now

This Tarot Program is For Students of

Whether you're just now exploring your gifts, or you're an experienced student with certifications, this program will unlock new knowledge and insights for you and your life.

Remove Fear and Self-Judgement

The biggest block many Tarot students have is fear or judgement around accuracy, skill, and worth. Radleigh will help you build the confidence you need to open and expand your natural abilities.

Divine Communication Skills

Do you ever feel like you're talking to the Universe, but the messages might not be getting through? Radleigh can show you step-by-step how to build a high-speed connection to the Divine.

Share Your Gift with Others

Are you a healer? Are you already giving readings to others for fun? Radleigh can provide the focus and direction to take your Tarot practice to a whole new level.

Course Schedule

Lesson 1: Tarot for Beginners: Tips on Getting Started

Lesson 2: Discover the Language of Tarot

Lesson 3: The Story of Your Life: Finding Guidance in a Three-Card Reading

Lesson 4: Sharing Your Gifts with Others

Lessons are approximately 90 minutes.

"You will soar into the stars with Radleigh Valentine's excellent advice and wisdom, offered in practical, easy-to-understand ways."

Denise Linn
Bestselling Author and Spiritual Teacher

Join Now!


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